Man, it's brisk out there today, but we've been spoiled. After enjoying several weeks of way-above-normal temperatures, we are now fully immersed in below zero double digits. More the norm than the other stuff, so no big surprise, and it's only lasting for a week and a bit until the minus single digits return, albeit temporarily.
All of which is fine with me. I am okay with whatever weather we get and can cope quite nicely with the real cold. As I've always said, the key to happy warmth is 50% clothes and 50% attitude. Got both? Warm as toast.
As a cold-weather girl who loves to rug up and experience the wild whims of winter, I pride myself on my sense of attire for the chilly season, choosing practical and comfortable over fashionable and underdressed when it comes to guarding myself against the elements - although if I can look fashionable as well, then bonus!
Preparation is simple. Before leaving the house, take a moment to look out the window, read the paper, listen to the radio and tv weather reports, check the internet, stick your arm outside for a few seconds, or/and all of the above. Then select the applicable number, design and R-factor of coats, gloves, scarves, toques, boots, and multiple layers, although not necessarily in that order.
Commonsensical, don't you think?
So, why, when it's so brisk outside, do a significant percentage of the 'choosing' population opt for decidedly non-winter-like combinations? I say 'choosing' population because not everyone has a choice in such matters. And for those who do, why wouldn't they gear up in an effort to keep the winter elements at bay? Trying to look cool, perhaps? Tough? Don't want the toque to flatten their hair?
Doesn't matter to me, of course, except when they act all surprised and feel compelled to publicly and cursatorially complain about how cold it is. No toque, ears freezing ... um, hello?! Coat not done up, feeling windchilled ... well, duh?! No gloves, fingers frostbitten ... seriously?! No boots, can't feel your feet ... what did you expect?!
We all like to complain about the weather, even though we know it's coming, we know what to expect, and we can't do anything about it anyway. But if we choose to underdress, we really ought to refrain from walking around and telling anyone who doesn't want to hear it about how "F@!#^%& cold!" it is out there.
Zip it, people! And I'm not just talking about your coats!
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