While watching Neverland on Space over Christmas last year, I was reminded of the famous line from Hook - the movie with Dustin Hoffman in the starring role. And for some reason, it inspired me to check all the clocks in our house and see what time they were tick tocking.
I started with the timer on the television, which said 7:16 pm. And compared to that, not one of the timing devices in our house, upstairs or down, has the same time as another.
In the kitchen/back room area, the stove clock, microwave clock and clock radio were out by +4, +3 and +9 minutes, respectively. In my office, the cardboard clock from Ikea was out by -2, the cell (mobile) phone by +2, and the computer by -4 minutes. (BTW, I thought computers got their time from the mysterious world of gremlin timekeepers that peddle their wares in little boxes somewhere in the universe. Or is that monkeys? Hmmm.) Upstairs, the clock radio was out by +25 minutes - how does that happen? Time creep, perhaps? Or our combined psychological powers driving the clock to tick tock faster so we can get up earlier in the morning?
Of course, the exactness of the time differences did depend somewhat on how quickly I got from one timing device to another, but you get the gist of the fact that time is out of whack in our place. And I got to wondering what it all meant?
Actually, it doesn't mean anything at all. Except for the fact that we have somehow, and apparently unbeknown to us, managed to survive very well thank you with a variety of time settings that are working together to successfully direct us to our respective commitments with plenty of time to spare. As far back as we can remember, we have not been late for anything - not for work, or movies, or breakfast, or meetings, or anything else we like to do.
So, the point of this blog? None whatsoever. Just an interesting observation about how time moves when you aren't actually watching it.
Now, back to work. Tick tock!
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