Friday, October 22, 2010

Dear Denis,

Thank you so much for joining me at the table at today's Frontier Centre for Public Policy breakfast on education. I was sitting alone, with the other tables filled with people who knew each other and, naturally, wanted to sit together. I was happy to have some company and the chance to chat with you before the speaker took the podium.

I regret, however, that after the presentation, I was so focused on getting to the speaker before anyone else did that I ended up leaving you stranded at the table without a word. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye or let you know how lovely it was to meet and talk with you. Our conversation was fun and interesting, and you certainly didn't deserve me turning my back on you at the end of the event.

As a teacher, you've probably received worse treatment at the hands of your students, but that is no excuse for my poor manners. I only ask that you don't judge me based on this occasion; I normally avidly subscribe to and pride myself on my attention to such details as kindness and civility, but my ego got the better of me this morning.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and know that I have learned a valuable lesson - even short-term acquaintances are entitled to common courtesies. Too bad it was learnt after the fact!



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