Wednesday, July 14, 2010


There are times as a freelancer that my office is the best place in the world. Quiet, all my resources at my disposal, a 'usual' spot for creative endeavours and self conversations. Those are the times when I get lots done and produce some of my best ideas and my most engaging writing.

And then there are the other times when it feels lonely and sad, and nonproductive as a result. Those are the times I need a CCC.

A few months ago, a friend of mine was lamenting the lack of time she had to work on her thesis. I concurred, although for me, it was related to creative writing. We both craved some designated time to focus on something important to us. And that's when we came up with the idea of coffee, collaboration and communication = CCC.

CCC is where we sit together over coffee for several hours and work. Yes, work, not converse. If necessary, we run things past each other, ask advice, compare notes, and collaborate, but always with the goal of getting work done.

At first, it was difficult because we had lots to catch up on from the previous week, but we soon got the gist of what we were trying to achieve - a regular time free of interruptions and phone calls, away from desktop computers and offices, and in the company of someone who is happy to sit and work for several hours. We even started setting goals to achieve by the next time we got together - bonus!

Ultimately, the real benefit here is accountability - having someone who encourages and inspires you to stay focused enough so that you walk away with a significant chunk of work done that might otherwise have fallen by the wayside.

Yes, we sometimes start with breakfast, or end with lunch, or, if we have lots to do, bracket our CCC with both. But the end result is always the same - something to show for our efforts.

It works so well that a second friend - another creative writer - has bought into the CCC concept as well.

If this keeps up, there's only one problem that I can see - my office will be so lonely that IT will need a CCC!

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