Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not the end of the world

Wednesday November 11, 2009. 4:21 pm. Power's gone out. City is plunged into darkness. Eerily quiet outside. Nothing to do but light candles, take a bath, drink sherry, and ponder.

What does it mean? Who can we ask? When will it end? Should we be afraid? And then the important questions ... How will we cook tea? What about the TV? And twitter and facebook? Will the beer stay cold? Can I still ...?

Oh, wait. A light. The power is restored. Life as we know it is back on track. All is well in the world again. Yippee!

Interesting that given all the apocalyptic scenarios being played out these days on television, in movies and in real life - H1N1, man-made global warming, financial ruin, red-light cameras - there wasn't anyone running around outside during our one-hour blackout screaming that it was the end of the world.

In some places, at least, common sense and logic are still the order of the day.

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