Monday, June 15, 2009

The best laid plans ...

... often go awry, and sometimes with little reason or warning.

However, the Peak Performers Toastmasters Club's 21st birthday party was the grand exception to that likelihood, and proved to be a fantastic event without a single hitch! Wrapping up only a few hours ago, more than 70 people mixed and mingled with friends, colleagues and past acquaintances, and reminisced and rejoiced in a club well lived.

Special thanks to Gerry Gordon on didgeridoo and Mitch Dorge on percussion - great music, guys. The perfect combination, the right sound, and a talking point for days to come!

Congrats as well to the donors and winners of the marvellous door prizes, and thanks to everyone, whether you helped with the organising, stepped in when asked or without being asked, or merely turned up for the party.

And in answer to Friday's question, "What's the worst that can happen?" Apparently nothing. A feat worth celebrating on its own!

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