Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hiatus, anyone?

Okay, so if you are reading this blog and wondering where I've gone, wonder no more. I am taking an 11-day hiatus from blogging at 'words at random' so I can help my canine boarders maintain their daily blog - 'tika and mojo at rover's retreat'.

When they said they wanted to keep track of everything that happens during their time here, I figured, what the heck. Easy to set up and fun to see what they think about their vacation. Besides, it gives them something to do when they are sick of lounging around. If you'd like to follow along, feel free to visit tikabrown.blogspot.com - makes for some interesting reading, if Tika does say so herself.

Photo coming, as soon as I can convince them to sit quietly together long enough to snap a snap.

And then, when I come back to 'words at random', hopefully it will have a new and more interesting look. Even I'm a bit bored with it, so goodness knows what you think of it.

Anyway, gotta got - Tika is trying to push me off the computer so she can start on Day 3 ...

Later, friends!

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