Saturday, July 4, 2009

Websites and chocolate - take 2

Clearly some issues uploading blogs from public computers, so let's try this again ...

Imagine travelling almost 15,000 km just to update your website! Perhaps a bit extreme, but these days you sometimes need to go the extra mile for quality work.

Down here in Oz, my friend Peter - yes, the one who said no one would ever read my blog - knows a thing or two about updating websites, and mine desperately needed some sprucing up. So a few days ago, we teamed up to make all the long-overdue changes to

Ah, much better! And I even got a few tips for when I completely remodel my site later this year.

The moral to this story is that if you use the tools, you need to play by the rules. No point having a website if the information is outdated and irrelevant - certainly not for me who has a message to get out, and certainly not for anyone visiting the site in search of a speaker, a writer, an editor, or all three.

Anyway, now it is up to me to keep the site current and viable so that the next time I'm on vacation in Oz, rather than spending valuable time stationed in front of a computer, I can be relaxing on the beach and indulging in some excellent fine wines and real quality Australian chocolate!

Beauty, mate!

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