In this age of social media and instant communication, it's easy to be distracted by the desire to connect. But given my recent hiatus from all things revealy, I wonder if it's really what I need right now?
Twitter is short and sweet, but I tried that and quickly realised I don't really have anything to offer my followers. Just uploading links from the Sydney Morning Herald doesn't seem all that inspiring or useful to anyone. My work isn't anywhere near the point where I have valuable insights and spectacular things worth sharing. So, I ended up twittering away the time reading other people's stuff. A big distraction when I'm already so busy with all my projects and numerous other commitments.
Facebook was the perfect remedy to the distance from my family and friends in Oz. I can happily talk to my nephews and nieces, my brother, the Haragoers, uni friends, ex-work friends, and assorted rellies and mates any time of the day and night. But then a whole whack of people I don't know and don't have time to get to know came knocking at the proverbial door, and I ended up spending a lot of time turning them away. Add to that the incessant desire to post something - anything! - and respond with a clever comment, or not, and you have a big time distraction.
Blogging was fun, but I used it for all the wrong reasons. It became a 'must do daily' exercise, even if I didn't have anything particularly interesting to say. And if I didn't post, I pouted, lamenting my inability to stick to a simple deadline. In effect, the whole thinking side of things turned into a disappointing distraction.
But then I remembered why I started blogging in the first place - my friend Brian said he thought I would be a natural. Ooh, that kind of compliment was all I needed to put fingers to keyboard. And for a while, it was natural, but then it became forced and that's when it all went from go to woe.
Anyway, no more woe. I am going to revert back to the initial impetus for my blog - to write what I live and say what I feel. Some of it will be drivel, and some will be aligned with where I am in my sabbatical - oh yes, that's still going, but I've got a new plan. Again.
So, if you are still reading, stay tuned - this could be fun!